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Delicious Recipes

Sunday Roast for Baby

1.6 kg chicken
8 sweet potatoes
10 courgettes
10 carrots
  1. Place the chicken onto a roasting pan and into the oven. Roast until the meat is well cooked and the juices run clear. (No salt or spices are necessary). Remove the skin and shred the meat off the bones. 
  2. Peel & chop the sweet potatoes & carrots. Place into a steamer and steam until soft & tender. 
  3. Chop the courgettes and place into a pot. Add 1L of water and bring to the boil.
  4. Once the vegetables are all cooked, combine with the chicken meat and blend or mash to your desired consistency. If need be, add water from the pot to create a smooth puree. (The water contains many of the nutrients from the courgettes)
TIP: Whenever possible buy fresh, organic ingredients!!!

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