
Hello... You may be thinking, how is this blog any different to the millions of blogs out there... well, I have created a unique site, unique to me (my pregnancy, my delivery & finally motherhood) which will continue to expand on my experiences, new ideas, challenges & successes along the way! Hope you enjoy. Feel free to look around :)
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When I Was Expecting

How It All Began...

I had been on the pill for a couple of years, and unfortunately started getting skin pigmentation on my face. I saw a dermatologist who advised against using certain beauty products, going into the sun, and being on the pill. Well I could do away the beauty products and sun, but NOT the pill. We just weren't ready! At the beginning of 2009, my hubby and I agreed I should go off the pill and use the barrier method instead. However, I started taking folic acid tablets (just in case!) This was working out pretty well, then some where in March I must have miscalculated my days or something cause on the 23rd of April I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant! We were ecstatic!!! (I must add that when I missed my period in the beginning of April I did TWO pregnancy tests, one week apart, and they both came back negative! My doctor reckons I must have bought the only two dud pregnancy teats in the whole of Dubai!!!)

So began one of the most incredible experiences of my life... a beautiful, healthy baby growing within me - there are no words!

What Did We Do First?

We called our parents to tell them the news - they were over the moon! Then we called some of our closest friends and family members, including all 7 of my grandparents - such fun spreading the news! We decided we wouldn't wait for the first trimester to be over before going public, we were just too excited! So we told every one!

I started writing in a Pregnancy Journal straight away. Didn't want to miss or forget anything. Everyday I would wake up with a smile on my face and would start dreaming about our baby! Such special memories.

Started taking prenatal vitamins and scheduled regular visits with my doctor
(Dr. Ghada Khalil - Specialized Obstetrician & Gynaecologist). Back in 2005 it took me 1 year to get an appointment with her! She is known in Dubai as "The Best" so it was worth the wait! When she told me I was pregnant, I was SO glad to already be one of her patients! That made me a priority on her list!

Things I Did Throughout The Next Couple Of Months...

Apart from eat...

Our pregnancy was a surprise and the timing of it was petty hectic. My husband had just started his own company a year back, in the midst of a recession! But we survived. The pregnancy itself was amazing, but we went through a lot physically. We moved houses when I was 5 months pregnant (if you thought that was bad wait for what's coming) Then 10 days before my son was born, we moved home again! So my little boy has had two beautiful nurseries whilst being in my 'tummy'!

My hubby and I were leading a youth group at the time of my pregnancy, and had planned a trip to India to visit orphanages, leprosy colonies and 'the slums' with all the teens in the group. Being the girl I am, I was not going to miss out! So at the start of my 2nd trimester, I boarded a plane to India for a 10 day trip! Crazy I know, but wouldn't have missed it for the world!

Down to the practicalities... I did a lot of research during my pregnancy. I researched and googled just about everything, and read as many books I could lay my hands on. I wanted to be equipped and as ready as I could possibly be. Baby Sense was certainly my favourite! It gave us such incredible insight to how different surroundings effect a baby's senses and to everything else a parent needs to know! Such an amazing book.
I remember asking my mom if there was any advice she wanted to give me. Her response was that I knew more than she did, even after having 3 children! I realised that I'd done as much as I could, and the rest was up to first-time experiences - woo hoo!

I made an appointment to check out the hospital I was going to deliver in. But my little one beat me to it when he stopped kicking for a day and I was rushed in to have a CTG, and made to stay for 2 days. This unexpected visit gave me the chance to look around, chat to some of the midwives and nurses and get a feel for the place. Hubby & I were satisfied! The American Hospital of Dubai was great!

At 30 weeks we attended Antenatal Classes (a 4-week series) with Dru Campbell at Health Bay Clinic. Highly recommend going to them. Apart from meeting a few other couples who were also 30 weeks, and having LOADS of fun, we took home a wealth of knowledge from the instructor's experiences & detailed stories.

All throughout my pregnancy I drank loads of malt drinks, non alcoholic beers, and 1 or 2 glasses of champagne :) I'm not sure whether it increased my milk supply, but I was one of those who had far too much milk and feeding my baby was like putting him under a running tap - but a good problem to have! So drink up ;)

I used a good anti-stretch mark oil, but towards the end got a bit slack about putting it on every day. I thought I was fine because I didn't have any stretch marks... however, the week before I was due... they arrived! So oil up!

There is such a thing called "stretching the perineum". I wont go into details, but google it for more information. You can either use oil or KY. It's supposed to prevent tearing during delivery! However, if you do end up having an episiotomy, sit in a hot bath of salt water when you get home. This really eases the pain and quickens the healing process.

When packing your hospital bags (please see post regarding WHAT to pack), check with the hospital what items they provide. Ie. diapers, wipes, cotton wool, disposable underware, maternity pads etc. Each hospital is different, don't assume anything ;)

Have yourself fitted for some comfortable & supportive maternity bras. I tried squeezing into my own bras for as long as possible, but when I finally made the switch, it felt & looked so much better! I was advised to wait until my milk had come in before I bought nursing bras - such a good idea. A week after giving birth, my mom went with me to Mothercare in Dubai Mall to buy proper nursing bras, and to get properly fitted.

Breast Feeding Tips:
  • Find a lactation consultant who knows what they’re doing and can show you and your baby how to latch on etc. Every nurse and midwife at the hospital gave me completely different advice and I left feeling sore and confused. Then I found Cecile - my life changed!
  • Get a proper feeding pillow (boppy) that wraps around your tummy when sitting down, and fully supports baby when feeding on either side.
  • Advice I was given recently was to feed only on one side at each feed. This gives each breast about 4-6 hours to ‘recover’ and helps prevent the pain associated from feeding from each breast every 2-3 hours!
  • I can't advise on any nipple creams, I used about 3 different kinds, none of which worked for me.
  • Persevere! The first 3-4 weeks are definitely the hardest – but it gets better ☺
  • Avoid eating chocolate, onions & spicy food (these REALLY effect your milk, giving baby stomach pains)
I was given excellent advise to meet with a lactation consultant ahead of time, so a few weeks before my due date I got in touch with a very well known consultant... Cecile DeScally. Her reputation is incredible and believe me... the woman delivers (excuse the pun!)
I found the the first few weeks of breastfeeding to be extremely frustrating and sore! I didn't know what to do, and my baby didn't know how to latch on. It was all hit & miss until I arranged for Cecile to come over! Best decision ever... made SUCH a difference.
I took my son to see Cecile for all his new born weekly check-ups. She is such a natural with moms and babies, puts you right at ease! I STILL call her about schedules, sleep patterns, breast feeding, solids & finger foods etc. etc. She has an incredible wealth of knowledge about everything pertaining to mommy's & babies!

Lastly, I googled and researched MANY different pediatricians in this city! I chose Dr. Ahmed at Kid's First Medical Center. What a friendly and compassionate doctor! My son adores him and every visit (even where injections are involved) has been a pleasant experience. He also comes highly recommended by accredited Occupational Therapist. Another good choice!

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