What is it?
Rooibos is a special indigenous plant that has been used by South Africans for it's health and beauty properties for generations.
Why is it good for you?
Rooibos is completely pure and natural, and safe for all ages as it contains no additives, preservatives or colourants. The tea's soothing properties make it useful for people suffering from irritability, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or high blood pressure.
Rooibos tea also has a very soothing effect on the digestive system, making it effective in treating mild nausea, vomiting, heartburn, indigestion and constipation, as well as colic and cramps in infants.
Because of it's soothing effects, Rooibos can also be used directly on the skin to relieve itching and irritation such as eczema, nappy rash, sunburn or insect bites.
It's soothing and antioxidant properties also make it a good face wash for treating oily skin.
Rooibos for Mom...
During Labour
Add fructose (a form of sugar) powder or syrup to a thermos of Rooibos tea and sip it throughout labour. It will relax you and help ensure that you have the stamina to pace yourself throughout labour and delivery.
Incase of pain or discomfort caused by an episiotomy or vaginal tear, brew a pot of strong Rooibos tea and add it to a sitz bath with a handful of course salt. Sit in the sitz bath for at least 15 minutes. This will help to soothe the area.
You could also soak a flannel is strong, cold Rooibos tea and hold it against the perineum for 20 minutes.
During Breastfeeding
To help ensure a good flow of breast milk, keep up your liquid intake with at least 4 cups of Rooibos tea and 4 glasses of water a day. Drinking Rooibos tea, rather than caffeinated teas & coffees, will help to prevent and treat tummy cramps in a breastfed baby.
Cracked Nipples
To relieve sore and cracked nipples, air your breasts for 10 minutes after each feed. Then place a used Rooibos tea bag over the nipples. Leave on, inside the breast-pad until the next feed.
Rooibos for Baby...
Treating Colic
Rooibos tea can help to prevent and treat colic in babies. Offer baby 25ml to 50ml between feeds. If baby is nursing, give the tea using a syringe.
Soothing Skin Conditions
If baby has itchy, dry skin rashes, brew a strong pot of Rooibos and add it to baby's bath water. The rash should show marked improvement within a few days.
Rooibos baby products are available, to help prevent rashes.
Treat a small but persistent patch of rash with a moistened Rooibos tea bag
Treating Fever
If your baby suffers from frequent fevers, offer "ice lollies" made from a mixture of Rooibos tea & fresh fruit juice. Freeze the mixture in moulds. These lollies will help them to keep their liquid intake up, as well as cooling them down. They are also a good alternative to other treats.