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Breast Feeding, Goats Milk & Schedules

I was planning to breast feed for atleast a year, but at 10 and a half months, my little one decided he'd had enough! And just like that he 'weaned' himself off breast milk and took straight to the bottle.
I'm not a big formula fan, and neither is he, so I spoke to a homeopath/nutritionist about my options and decided to go with Organic Oat milk. WOW! My son LOVED it. Around his first birthday we went on vacation for 7 weeks and unfortunately I wasn't able to get Oat milk there. So we tried Organic Rice milk (which he didn't like) but in the end resorted to Lactose free cow's milk. However, as soon as we got home he went straight back to the Organic Oat milk. A month later there was no Oat milk to be found in Dubai (very frustrating) but I was determined not to give in to cows milk so I tried him on Organic Goat's milk... YEAY! He loved it and has now been drinking Goats milk ever since!

WHY am I so persistent in NOT giving my child cow's milk or formula based on cow's milk ???
Is my child intolerant to dairy? Nope
Has my child developed any allergies? No and he shouldn't!

So why???

MANY reasons... 

Cow's have a TOTALLY different digestive system to humans, and it's very difficult for a baby/child's digestive system to break down the protein in cow's milk. 
The path that transforms healthy milk products into what we buy from the grocery store begins with modern feeding methods that substitute high-protein, soy-based feeds for fresh green grass and breeding methods to produce cows with abnormally large pituitary glands so that they produce three times more milk than the old fashioned cow. These cows need antibiotics to keep them well.
Their milk is then pasteurized so that all valuable enzymes are destroyed. In fact, dozens of other precious enzymes are destroyed in the pasteurization process. Without them, milk is very difficult to digest. The human pancreas is not always able to produce these enzymes; over-stress of the pancreas can lead to diabetes and other diseases.
The recent approval of the use of BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) by dairy farmers to increase their milk production only worsens the already scary picture! BGH causes an increase in (IGF-1) which survives milk pasteurization AND our intestinal digestion. It can be directly absorbed into the human blood stream, particularly in INFANTS! This has also been linked to the promostion of human breast cells to cancerous forms. IGF-1 is also a growth factor for already cancerous breast & colon cancer cells, promoting their progression and invasiveness.
Dairy products are a huge cause of ear infections, sinus problems, asthma, colds, runny noses... in both infants and children! Infact, a lot of them develop allergies & intolerances to dairy!
But what about calcium??? It is possible to obtain ALL your calcium from dark vegetables... such as cooked collard greens and kale etc.
So there we have it... Goat's milk is a fantastic alternative!
It's protein forms a softer curd which makes the protein more easily and rapidly digestible. Goats milk also contains lower levels of lactose and contains 13% more calcium than cow's milk! So In theory, goat's milk is less allergenic and more easily digestible than cow's milk!
Our 1 year old's routine...

7:00am Wake up & bottle of Organic Goat's milk
8:00am Breakfast 
9:00am Down for a nap (90min) small bottle of Organic Goat's milk
10:30am Snack with small bottle of VERY diluted juice/water
             Play time
1:00pm Lunch
2:00pm Down for a nap (90 min) small bottle of Organic Goat's milk
3:30pm Snack with small bottle of VERY diluted juice/water
            Play time
6:00pm Dinner 
6:30pm Bath time with daddy
7:00pm Bed time & bottle of Organic Goat's milk

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